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A Scandinavian company with one purpose; to create products that reconnect us with nature, wherever we are. Light My Fire champion biobased materials, leading away from conventional plastics with a focus on sustainability, reusability and recycling.


Project: Copy for all social media channels, global website, packaging, advertising, email communications, blogs and initiatives.


Challenge: To promote new materials and simple ideas that require a change of life’s routines, daily habits and personal choice. A call to action for consumers to take control and be part of the solution regarding waste, pollution and environmental destruction.  


Approach: Inform, educate, empower and uplift.

Client: Light My Fire

Location: Malmö, Sweden.

man holding light my fire product

Think Outside of the box Initiative: Initiative Promotion.

A bold project designed to bring companies and communities together in a movement that reduces food and package waste. It's a move creating a new possible future, offering solutions to the problems we face regarding these important issues. The challenge was to change behaviour and educate, simultaneously providing actionable steps that empower. Often, this is what is missing from environmental initiatives that focus on the problem without providing solutions that we can all get behind.


Swedish FireKnife: Product Details For Launch

A beautifully crafted, nature inspired, multifunctional tool, utilising sustainable materials to develop a knife like no other. The long-awaited Biobased plastic FireKnife.  

Not just for heavily bearded outdoorsy manly men, but a great knife for all adventures big and small, for every home, wherever you make it.

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How Butterflies can change the world


The butterfly effect is the ability for the smallest event to build in momentum and create a mass effect.


One catalyst, one spark or small step. If that step is in the right direction, we are capable, over time, of achieving change that may seem currently unreachable.


We continue to cultivate creative sparks that ignite further positive development and expansion.


Choosing circularity over linear, we power change in this complex system, with a desired effect of a greater overall influence.  


In truth, the outcome of the butterfly effect cannot be predicted. It resides somewhat in the realm of chaos but doesn’t every great change?


Regardless of the unknown, Light My Fire continue to galvanise change, great and small, in hope that the effects will be far reaching, and we invite you to be part of the adventure and to be part of the butterfly effect.

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